Unit 2: 受注処理/Xử lý tiếp nhận đơn đặt hàng
※Giải thích từ vựng trong sách:
完了 | Completion | hoàn thành |
警告 | Alert | Cảnh báo |
限度額 | Maximum Monetary amount | Hạn mức tín dụng |
誤入力 | Entry error | Lỗi nhập |
在庫不足 | Insufficient stock | Không đủ hàng tronh kho |
超える | Exceed | Vượt quá |
判断する | To judge | Phán đoán |
マイナスする | To Subtract | Trừ đi (âm) |
プラスする | To add | Cộng thêm vào (cộng) |
戻り値 | Return value | Giá trị trả về |
留保 | On hold | Giữ, duy trì |
粗利票 | Gross profit report | Lợi nhuận gộp (doanh thu - giá vốn hàng bán) |
委託売上 | Consignment sale | Bán hàng uỷ thác |
受取手形 | Bill receivable | Hối phiếu phải thu |
売上一覧 | Sales list | Danh sách/list doanh thu |
売上集計表 | Sales summary table | Bảng thống kê doanh thu |
売上順位表 | Ranking of sales table | Bảng xếp hạng doanh thu |
売上伝票 | Sales slip, notice | Hoá đơn bán hàng |
売上入力 | Sales entry | Nhập doanh thu |
売上返品 | Returned sales item | Hàng bán bị trả lại |
売上明細表 | Sales details table | Bảng chi tiết bán hàng |
売掛金回収 | Collection of accounts receivable | |
売掛金残高 | Accounts receivable balance | |
確保 | Guarantee, securement | |
繰越売掛金残高 | Carried forward accounts receivable balance | |
月次売上推移表 | Monthly sales progress report | |
月末締め | Settlement of accounts at the end of month | |
支払い通知書 | Payment notice | |
支払い予定 | Expected date of payment | |
締め日 | Closing date | |
社員立替 | Payment by employees | |
受注一覧 | Order list | |
受注伝票 | Order slip, notice | |
受注入力 | Order entry | |
受注明細書 | Itemized account of orders | |
出荷一覧 | Shipment list | |
出荷依頼 | Shipment request | |
出荷依頼一覧 | Shipment request list | |
出荷依頼書 | Shipment request form | |
出荷依頼入力 | Shipment request entry | |
出荷処理 | Shipment processing | |
出荷入力 | Shipment entry | |
消化売上 | Consignment sale | |
商品価格表 | Product price chart | |
商品コード | Product code | |
商品別売上 | Sales by type of merchandise | |
前年同月比 | Comparison with the corresponding period the year before | |
送付先 | Addressee | |
宅急便 | Express delivery | |
担当者別売上 | Sales by salesperson | |
注文書 | Order form | |
注文書受領 | Order form receipt | |
通常売上 | Ordinary sale | |
定価販売 | List price sale | |
得意先区分 | Customer classification | |
得意先住所登録 | Customer address record | |
入金確定 | Deposit confirmation | |
入金集計表 | Deposit tabulation | |
入金明細表 | Itemized accounts of deposits | |
納品書 | Statement of delivery | |
販売予算 | Sales budget | |
引当 | Discounts and allowances | |
見積書 | Price quotation | |
見積明細表 | Details of estimate | |
要素 | Element, factor | |
予算実績対比表 | Comparison report of actual to budgeted sales |